Thursday, July 24, 2008

My new little brother!!

Profile...looks a lot like me at that age...

and facing front...are you sure my brother isn't an alien??

Rainy days...

We were stuck inside all day and I think mom was a little bored...
and taking it out on me!!

My Amy Winehouse impression...

any girl from an Elvis movie...

Aunt Jemima...

PLEASE be sunny tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I can go down the stairs all by myself!

I can throw a ball!

(Porter's quite obsessed with balls right now...typical boy!!)

Cooking with Mommy!

4th of July in NH

I'm ready to go on the boat!!

My cousin Stevee kept me entertained!

Mommy and Uncle Tony...

Daddy is about to get taken for a ride!!

I'm pooped!!



Looking sassy!

My first Legos!!!

This is a comfy quilt to play on!

Happy Father's Day!!